Sunday, July 25, 2010

Video Camera

Today in church T.J. noticed the video camera up on a shelf at the back of the sanctuary.

T.J.: "Mommy.. what is that thing back there?"

Me: "It is a video camera. It tapes the service and the pastor's sermons in case anyone wants to see them again later."

T.J.: "Does it send it to God too?"

Friday, July 23, 2010

Excuses, Excuses

My son has a habit of trying to come up with some kind of ailment whenever I ask him to cleanup his room. LOL. Conversations usually go something like this:

Me: "Go in your room and clean it up. It is a complete mess."

TJ: "Well I cleaned it up a little bit...I made a path so you could walk."

Me: "No I don't want a path I want the room picked up."

TJ: "oooooookkkkkkkkk...."

5 min later...

TJ: "Moooooommm... my head hurts and it doesn't want to pick up my room anymore."

Me: "I'm sorry your head hurts but you don't pick up your room with your head so you will be fine."

TJ: "But it really hurts and my back and my legs hurt too... oh and my arms."

Me: " I'm sorry maybe you can take a nap after you are done picking up your room."

TJ: "Can I take one now and not pick up my room?"

Me: "No"

Titus: "Pick up your room like mommy said or my hand will connect with your bottom"



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Clip Those Coupons!

I forgot how much fun shopping can be when you have coupons!! LOL

Today TJ, Ellie, and I hit our local CVS and Dollar General to snag some awesome deals. CVS had a TON of stuff on sale AND you got ECB (extra care bucks) if you bought them. Plus use a coupon and you could get those items for a REALLY low price or even completely FREE!

Between the 2 stores we got this stuff (before coupons our total was $22.46)....

...and I only paid $4.82 after using our coupons!

And these 8 items were completely FREE after using my coupons....
Yeah I didn't really need these 8 things but FREE is FREE!! So why not get it? :)

Did you know that unless a coupon specifically states that you cannot use it to purchase a trial size item you can? And since a lot of trial size items are $1 or less you can get them for FREE with a coupon! That's how I got the deodorant and lotion for FREE!

Dollar General wanted to give me grief about accepting one of my coupons, but I had their coupon policy printed out and the chick had to honor my coupon :D But over all we had a good shopping trip. TJ was pretty good, Ellie slept the whole time, and mommy got awesome deals and free stuff. Yay!

Follow, Comment, Clip Those Coupons!:)

Monday, July 19, 2010

I Love Getting Good Deals!

I had so much fun going shopping today! Not for groceries or because I had to, but just for the pure fun of shopping! I had a bunch of gift cards to Kohl's and JC Penny burning a hole in my pocket, and Big Lots was having a sale where you could get 20% off everything in the store!

So Ellie and I left the boys at home and made our way to Adrian for a girl's day :) She slept the whole time (minus once when she woke up for a diaper change and feeding) and I was able to shop in peace!

First we went to Big Lots and got a TON of stuff for $22. Best deal there was Ellie's bottles.. 3pk of 8oz Nurture Pure Glass Bottles for $1.60!!

Then we went to Kohl's and I got her a super cute ladybug outfit for fall, a 4 pack of Carter's long sleeve onsies, and a "Agent P" T-shirt for TJ (He LOVES him some Phineas and Ferb thanks to his Uncle Josh! LOL) for $29 and I used gift cards and paid $0!!!

I got a ton more good deals today but it would take forever to type them out, so let's just say I spent minimal $$ and got LOTS of stuff... just the way I like it! :P

If you like to save $$, get FREE stuff, and catch awesome deals check out the websites below:

Hip2Save - Coupon-ing site that updates you on FREE items, online deals, and how to best use your coupons to rack up the most free or minimally priced items!

Deal Taker - check out the FREE Stuff section for free samples!

Smashbox -FREE Shipping, FREE full size samples with purchase, FREE gift with purchase in addition to FREE samples on Tuesday and Thursday from 9-2pm ( check out the "Let's Do Lunch" section for these deals)

<3** If you go under the "Curtain Call" tab you can buy an item for like $10... then pick a full size sample ( mascara, eyeliner, or lip gloss), then add a FREE bonus foundation primer sample, then you get your free gift for ordering on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9am and 2pm, AND get free shipping... so ALL of that stuff for $10!!**<3

I love a good deal... don't you?

Follow, Comment, Get A Good Deal!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Accident Prone Friday

Yesterday I needed to be kept away from sharp objects and anything I needed to hold on to because I was a klutz. :)

Day started off with us all getting up and heading out the door to do some grocery shopping and errands. We get to Meijers in Adrian and we were not in there 10 min before I caused trouble. I was walking down the italian/mexican food aisle and stopped to get a jar of spaghetti sauce. Well the way they have their shelves you can't just pull the jar of spaghetti sauce off the shelf because it hits the top of the shelf above it. The jars are too tall, so you have to tip the jar sideways to get it out. Well.. they had them all in the cardboard flats so you not only had to tip the jar sideways but you had to pull it up high enough to get it out of the way of the box they were in or pull the whole flat out and get one out.

I go to grab a jar, tip it sideways, and the bottom catches on the cardboard box and pulls the other two jars in the box down off the shelf. I tried to stop them from falling and in the process dropped the one I had in my hand. All three jars go crashing to the floor and I got spaghetti sauce from my chest down and ALL OVER my khaki capris. Plus, I cut my foot because I was wearing flip flops and the glass jars fell right at my feet. So there was no way I could rush home and put my clothes in the wash... and by the time I got home and put them in the wash the stain had set in. I have washed them twice and I still have faint orange splotches on my favorite pair of pants :( If anyone has a good spaghetti sauce stain removal trick please share!

Then when I was putting groceries away at home I managed to knock a pair of scissors off the counter (the pointy tipped kind) and it missed my foot by 1/8". And later I was cutting up fruits and veggies for my IT WORKS! party for Carri's mom and I almost sliced my finger off...

It was definitely NOT my day yesterday LOL!

Follow, Comment, Don't Drop Spaghetti Sauce :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chicken Broil Food = Yum!

I love when Manchester has their annual Chicken Broil! Every year Titus' Grandma Fox buys his parents, sisters, us and her a boxed chicken dinner from the chicken broil, and it is so delicious!

They give you half a chicken, radishes, secret recipe coleslaw, butter and a roll, chips, and a water for $8. Last year they had 12,000 chicken halves and sold almost all of them! That is a lot of chicken being broiled over there! LOL

This year we went to Grandma Fox's house, enjoyed the meals, and then some dark clouds started rolling in. So instead of playing croquet like we had planned, we sat on the porch talking waiting for the rain. It didn't come, so Bill ( Titus' dad) set up the croquet game and we started playing. Of course halfway through the game it started to rain, but we were playing under the big maple in the front yard so although it was raining we only got a few drops on us now and then.

Great Grandma Fox and Grandma Cathy had fun holding Miss Ellie and TJ had a blast playing cro-ket with his aunties :) Oh... and I won the game, beating Bill who ALWAYS wins :P

Follow, Comment, Eat Chicken :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ah... Peace And Quiet...

I really love my kids. They're cute, funny, and keep me so busy during the day that I am hardly ever bored. But after a loooong day of taking care of them and listening to the crying, yelling, noise and having to answer fifty million questions two times in a row because someone didn't hear me the first time.. LOL... I am SO thankful when bedtime rolls around!

After I get them in bed I usually sit and listen to the quiet all around Then it is mommy time! I can shower and go to the bathroom in peace... I can eat ice cream and not have to share :P... I can spend time with my husband... I can take some time to do something I want to do after doing things for everyone else all day long. It's so nice. :)

I am so thankful for this small amount of quiet each day!

And then right before I head to bed I check on my little ones...I love watching them sleep :)

Follow, Comment, Goodnight :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who Knew I Had So Much Junk?

How did all this junk..... in this cabinet?
And as you can see, I still have to clean out the bottom of the stupid thing!

Yes all of the stuff on the table and ALL of those dishes were in the TOP part of that cabinet.
Papers and receipts from all the way back to 2007, along with folders, gift bags, photos, and other weird things that shouldn't have been in there! LOL :P

See our table usually is the "catch all" for everything. When we come in the house whatever we have in our hands lands on the kitchen table. Mail, books, receipts, etc... and then when we have company come over unexpectedly or I don't have time to clean and put things away in the proper places... Yep.. it all goes off of the table and into the cabinet. Out of sight, out of mind... until I actually need something in there or I take the time to look at the cabinet and see the mess glaring back at me.

Which is what happened today.... I noticed the mess, debated on cleaning it up, almost talked myself OUT of cleaning it up ( because seriously.. how fun would it be to clean up all of that stuff? um.... NOT FUN AT ALL!!!), and decided if I didn't do it now it would just get worse.

So here I am taking a break from cleaning the never ending mess that is in the cabinet....and... I probably should be getting back to it before Ellie wakes up and wants me to hold her. *Sigh*

Follow, Comment, Bye Bye Junk... :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Ellie's new quilt

Ellie got a package in the mail today!
It was her new quilt Helen Rackley made for her!
Helen is my Grandma Dee's ( and Ellie's great grandma's) sister and she made Ellie a beautiful quilt with her name, birthdate, and birth weight on it.

Here she is stretching on her new quilt ... lol.. something she does quite a bit of!

Follow, Comment, Stretch like Ellie! :) LOL

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A few days ago we were sitting down to eat dinner and I didn't have enough fruit salad for all of us. So I gave the rest to T.J. and then got out a container of blueberries for me and Titus to eat. Well T.J. looks at his fruit salad and looks at the blueberries and goes, "Mom, can you PLEASE put some more blueberries in my fruit salad because it would be a PLEASURE!"

Titus and I couldn't help laughing and T.J. is just sitting there looking at us like.. "What?"
Then a few seconds later he lets out a little giggle and says, "Yep it would be a pleasure!"

Silly kid :P

Follow, Comment, Blueberries are a pleasure! :)

Flowers Anyone?

T.J. loves to bring me flowers.....dandelions, flowers picked off of my hanging baskets or out of the flower bed, or just all kinds of funky looking weeds. If it is a plant and he thinks it is awesome it makes it's way into my house. One time he pulled up a WHOLE plant and brought it to me roots and all saying " You need to put this in water RIGHT AWAY mom.." and I was like.. "um... yes sir.." LOL!

So when you come to my house in the spring/summer you can expect to see 2-3 vases of flowers/weeds sitting around. He will keep an eye on them for me too.. letting me know if they need more water or checking to see if they are dead or missing (by missing I mean that Mommy threw them away :P) because he WILL bring me more if he thinks I need them!

Follow, Comment, Pick LOTS of Flowers! :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

We Must Love Going To The Doctor...

...Because I ended up there again today. You would think with me being in the hospital for so long when I was pregnant, and then ending up in the NICU with Ellie, and Titus going to the ER.. that maybe..just maybe.. we would be done with hospitals and doctors.

Oh...No... Not me. I had to go into the med plus clinic today because my ears are all plugged up. Been like that for 4 days now, so instead of going and buying a whole bunch of OTC stuff and hoping it works I figured it would be better to go to the doctor and have him tell me exactly what was wrong and tell me exactly what to do for it.

Come to find out my lovely sinus' are irritated and have not only been draining down my throat, but they have drained into my ear canal. So I now have fluid behind my ears, which is putting pressure on my ear drum and causing the plugged up feeling and muffled hearing. Yip-pee.

So I am on Mucinex D and a Z-Pack, both of which Ellie can't have.. so now I have to switch her over to formula for 12 days until the meds get out of my system.

Good thing I have all those free formula samples!

Follow, Comment, Free samples are awesome! :)

Speaking of free samples... here is a link for a free sample of Baby Barn Wash and Lotion. Enjoy!

Friday, July 9, 2010

And So It Begins..

As many of you know, Titus hurt his finger a while back and ended up in the ER. So summer thus far for him has been a major bummer, because with that hurt finger he couldn't go out on his jet ski. Poor baby. LOL

Well the Dr. made his life all kinds of better when he gave him the go ahead to be out on the lake now. His finger has healed up very well ( Praise God!) and the Dr. said he could go back to doing his usual stuff.

So this weekend my husband is planning on tearing up the lake with his ski. He most likely will be gone all day, enjoying the sun and the water... and hopefully not doing anything to land him back in the ER again....

Follow, Comment, Don't end up in the ER :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello, My Name Is Ellie And I Am Addicted To Being Held...

My youngest has decided that being held ALL THE TIME is the best thing in the world!

It must be right up there with rocking, bouncing, singing, patting her bottom, and rubbing her back..because she likes all those things too.

I seriously have one clingy baby on my hands! She will fall asleep in my arms and be like that for a good 10 min before I lay her down and yet.. 3 min after I walk out of her room she wakes up screaming like a banshee!

Just let her cry you say. Yeah, trying that. She is not only clingy but she is STUBBORN! She will cry and cry until she coughs and is hoarse. She makes me feel bad for her. She especially likes to do this pitiful little cry thing after I pick her up... just once as if to make her point of " How could you let me lay in here and cry my eyes out you mean mommy you!" LOL It is too funny. She is all screamy and then I pick her up.... she takes a deep, shuddery breath and lets out a single solitary "waah" while pooching out her bottom lip and staring me down.

She knows how to put mommy on a guilt trip! Oh well... we are gonna keep doing the "cry it out" thing. I LOVE holding her, but when it gets to the point that I can't do things that HAVE to be done... that's too much.

Follow, Comment, Scream Your Brains Out :)

Obviously Being 5 Changes Everything!

Now that T.J. is the big F-I-V-E, he thinks life is so much more awesome. LOL

According to him, "Now that I am five..."

"...I can eat more."

"...I can stay up later."

"...I can lift up this heavy thing"

"...I can have more candy , right mom?"

"...can I carry Ellie around the house?"

"...I can brush my teeth REALLY good without you helping me mom."

"...I can help dad do 'lots of more' stuff."

"...I like pizza again."

"...I can kill flies and mosquitoes with both hands!"

Who knew being five was so cool? :P

Follow, Comment, Being 5 rocks!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

New Blog

Yep I did it. I started a new blog.

I have tried having a blog about 3 times now and every time I forget about it after a month and it just sits there. So you would think it would be pointless for me to have one right?

I want to have a place where I can post cute things the kids do or special things that happen in our life for our family and friends to read about. So here it is... our family blog!

Become a follower.. comment... enjoy!