Monday, August 30, 2010

I Love My Friends!

I remember back in high school.. how you always had that "group" who were the popular ones. The ones who were too cool to be friends with us normal people. And even as a wife and mother you still come across these "groups"... Or you had the ones who just wanted to be your friend when they wanted something from you.

While I am all for helping people who need your help, there is a fine line between helping someone and letting them use you. Taking advantage of someone's kindness is not being a good friend and I am way beyond dealing with that kind of stuff anymore.

I am so very thankful for the friends I do have even if it may only be a few. A few good true friends are way better than a lot of back stabbing ones. The older I get.. the more and more I realize who my real friends are, and I thank God for you all everyday!

I am also blessed with a wonderful sister and husband.. both of which I would have to say are my BEST friends ever!

So to all my friends ( you know who you are ....:), just in case I don't tell you enough:

Thanks for always making my days better!

Thanks for being honest with me even though sometimes it may hurt.

Thanks for constantly making me laugh!

Thanks for always being there for me when I need you!

And lastly.. thanks for being awesome! :)

P.S. If you are a good friend of mine are not pictured above it doesn't mean I don't like you.. lol.. it just means I don't have a picture of us. :P

Friday, August 27, 2010


We loved T.J.'s experience last year in pre-k so much we decided that T.J. will be heading back to LCS again this year for Kindergarten.

Yesterday we went for his kindergarten open house and he got to meet his new teacher Mrs. Eagen and her assistant Mrs. Wiseman. He seemed to like both of them , after he was done pretending to be shy for a few min that is!

His class is smaller and he has his own seat with his name on it :) His first job when we walked in was to find his seat and follow the directions there to do a scavenger hunt in his classroom.

He had to find the library, put his school supplies away, write his name, etc. It was a nice way to get him acquainted with his new room. He also got to take home his first homework assignment, which he wanted to get started on as soon as we got home! LOL

Now that he is in kindergarten he gets to eat lunch in the cafeteria... and he can have a hot lunch if mommy and daddy give him money for it. I think I am going to stick to packing him a lunch, but maybe... occasionally.... he can have a hot lunch just for the fun of it! :)

He also got his new spirit wear shirt! It is a navy blue with Philippians 4:8 on it.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

T.J. is so excited for school and can hardly wait for it to begin! Now.... to start putting him in bed at 8pm and getting him up at

Follow, Comment, YAY for school!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Clark Family Rocks!

Spending time with my family is always fun.

First you have two uncles who are complete jokers, always wise cracking, or making something simple hilarious. Uncle Bruce making art of his food.. and Uncle Jeff breaking out into musical numbers... good times..

Then you have card games where no one pays attention to when it's their turn to play and someone is constantly saying " Is it my turn?" .. "yeah it has been your turn for the last 10 min.. GO ALREADY!" LOL

And don't even think about cheating or not playing the game correctly.. because Dad and Grandma Dee will tell you what's what! Play the game right or don't play at all!. :P

Then there is always the "make fun of Becca and Mom" part of the day. This is where we tease mom or Becca for some sort of comment made or silly action done... it could be during this visit or it could have been done days ago.. we don't care.. if it is funny we will tease you about it.

Titus usually sits around staring at us and smiling.. but don't let him fool you! He can be quite the goof ball and teaser when he wants to be. Trust me! I am the one constantly getting picked on at home by him and T.J. ( like father like son) But he puts on a act for everyone and people don't believe me that he is VERY much a prankster and joker.

Every visit Uncle Bruce is talked into writing a mad lib.. which usually results in people laughing until they can't breathe or are crying. In this year's Mad Lib, Becca ended up throwing pifflesome weasels at someone while T.J. puked up pebbles. Hahaha :)

We also had a delicious carrot cake made my Uncle Jeff and Mika...(on which was written " The Clark Family ROCKS!" which is so true :P) and they ended up having to make extra icing because Uncle Bruce and a few others decided it was needed.

Mika was overjoyed to see Ellie. She held her quite a bit and got such a kick out of her.

I love my family!

Here are a few pics of Ellie with her great - uncles, Mika, and grandpa to end this post....


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ellie and Her Crawl and Flutter Bee

Ellie has a favorite toy at 3 months old. It is the Playskool Crawl and Flutter Bee my parents bought for TJ back when he was a baby. TJ liked it ok but it wasn't a favorite of his. Ellie on the other hand ADORES this toy. Her face lights up and she stares intently at it as it plays it cute little tunes and makes funny noises.

The other day as I was sitting at the table with her playing with the bee... I decided to try and get some pics of her smiling at it. As you can see below.. she was NOT cooperating!

Here she is staring at it:
Really mom... more pics of me?? How BORING... YAWN...
What are YOU looking at?
All during this "photo shoot" she was cooing and "talking" to it, and just having a blast! She was making mommy and brother giggle at her silly antics! :)

Brother wanted to get in on the pictures, so here is his with his sissy :)
*SIGH* Aren't they too stinkin' cute?

They both are growing up so fast! TJ is going to start kindergarten on Sept 7th and Ellie is going to be 4 months old! She is getting so chubby and looks more and more like TJ's baby pictures when he was her age! She has cute little "rolls" all over and the chubbiest cheeks! She is such a good baby and loves to shower you with smiles!

I wish there was a way to slow down time! I thought it went by fast after having TJ but now with TWO kids it seems to fly by even faster! :( Stop growing so fast you two!

Follow, Comment, Cherish The Moments! :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Turtle Camp 2010

Last Friday Titus and TJ left me and Ellie to go turtle trapping in Fremont at Uncle Joe's house.
Not only did my boys go, but Grpa Bill, Uncle Jeff, and Cousin Jake went as well. As you can see from the pictures below they had a blast and caught many many snappers.

And my little TJ found a non-snapper of his own :)

So glad my boys had such a good time with all the Fox men!

Follow, Comment, Turtles Are Cool :P

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ellie's New Hat

As many of you know, I was working on a hat for Ellie. Well after 3 tries I am happy to say it finally turned out right!

Here is Ellie modeling her new hat:

And Big Brother TJ had to get in on the pictures:
I also listed these hats on etsy and ebay in the hopes that I can custom make these for people and maybe make some extra $$!
If you would like to purchase one as a gift or for your own child let me know.. or visit my etsy shop at

I can make these in 3 sizes right now 3-6 months, 6-12 months, and 12-24 months.

Follow, Comment, Have a good night!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Ellie has started doing a lot of smiling lately, but it has been almost impossible to catch on camera! She smiles until I whip out the camera and then she just stares at me.. the little stinker! :P

The other day I was able to catch these two pics though. Here is just a glimpse of her adorable little grin!


Follow, Comment, Start Off Everyday With a SMILE! :D