Monday, September 27, 2010


I have been slacking on the postings lately. So much has been going on here though, so I have an excuse!! LOL

I have a ton of new Ellie and TJ's pics to post, so look for those in the next day or two.

Titus has been working like crazy... when he isn't doing his electrical job he is helping someone else out or working on one of his projects here at home. I have been busy with the kids, running errands and housework. TJ has been enjoying school very much, and Ellie is growing like a weed.

Will be back later with pics and more updates!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Day Of First's

Today was TJ's first day of kindergarten. He woke up before 6am and came in to me and Titus' room to see if it was time to get ready and go yet. LOL He was so excited!

Here are a few pics we took before we left for school:

Once we got to school , he put his coat and backpack in his locker and put his owl card in it's pocket to let the teacher know he was there.
Then he went to check out his seat at the table and he found a note for mommy and his first assignment!
He sat down and started working on it right away!

While he was working on his assignment.. I took a few pics of his classroom.

When I was ready to leave and went to say goodbye he didn't even look up from the paper he was working on.. he just said.. "bye mom!" I gave him a kiss although he was all wiggly and not wanting me

I held it together until I got out to the car and read his teacher's letter. Inside I found a cotton ball, tissue, and peppermint tea bag.

This is what the letter said:
"Here is a little "gift" for you as you leave your precious one with me on the first day of school. As you hold this cotton ball in your hand, the softness will remind you of the gentle spirit of your child. After you've gone home or to work, dry your tears and make yourself a hot cup of tea. relax and rest assured that together you and I will work for your child to be the best he can be. Thank you for entrusting TJ to me for the coming school year. I will do my very best every day to be your child's guide in learning and exploring this bright, new world he has just stepped into."

Of course that was all it took to make me shed a tear or two!

He only had a half day today so I was back at 11:30am to pick him up. When he came out of his classroom he was all smiles and was eager to show me the project he made and his take home folder. He talked about school ALL the way home and is ready to go back again tomorrow.

Ellie also had a first today. Her first laugh :) I was walking out of her room playing with her after we arrived home from school and she gave me the cutest giggle. Her eyes were sparkling and she had such a huge grin.

And later after daddy got home she laughed again when she and I started to "chase" TJ around the yard. She thinks her brother is the most interesting thing! LOL... she loves to watch him and he gets most of her smiles :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

TJ and His Sunflower

A while back my husband bought T.J. a pack of sunflower seeds to plant. TJ planted them and has been watering them (when he remembers :P) and FINALLY two of them started to grow!

He was watering them again today and I decided to get a few pics of him with them. If you can't tell from the pics... he was super excited :)

My favorite!! Little hands :)