Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mater :)

As most of you know, my husband is a BIG fan of old trucks. Well it seems he is passing his love with them onto our son...
....yep T.J. and his "Mater". You can't see his face very well unless you zoom in , but he is way too excited about this truck and you can see it on his face.


Looks like I have more trucks in my yard to look forward to. lol.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

What A Difference A Year Makes!

We recently received TJ's school pictures for this year, and when I went to place this year's in the frame holding last year's school photo, I couldn't believe how much he has grown!

I mean he basically still looks the same, but there was still some baby-ish quality to his pre-k pic compared to his kindergarten pic where he looked more like a little man....

Pre-K School Picture 2009:

Kindergarten School Picture 2010:
Ugh.. he is growing up so fast!!

His sister is growing by leaps and bounds as well! It amazes me how many changes occur in the first year of a child's life! They go from this tiny little wonder to an active, chubby mover in such a short time!

Ellie at 1 month:

Ellie at 5 months:
They need to stop growing!! LOL :D

I look at Ellie and remember when TJ was that small...they are so much alike. He was such a happy baby.. all smiles and giggles. And now he is this little boy who can lift 16lb bags of dog food into a shopping cart on his own, work outside stacking wood with his daddy and do an excellent job, and fracture a finger one day and act like nothing happened the next. He says he is my "tough BIG boy"... but I say he will always be my little baby boy <3