Friday, January 7, 2011

All About Ellie

Ellie's first word was "mama"... but she since she didn't associate me with the word when she said it, I guess I have to say her first actual word was " da da". :P Titus will hold her and she looks at him and says " da da da da da!" :)
Ellie received her first tooth the third weekend of December 2010. She was very irritable that weekend. I had left her with Titus' mom and sister's that friday so I could go help out at T.J 's school and Cathy said she cried and cried pretty much the whole time. Nothing was able to satisfied her. Now, she has seperation anxiety when mommy and daddy try to leave her places, but I was surprised at how upset she was! It didn't dawn on me that maybe she was cutting a tooth! LOL

She was still pretty fussy on Saturday and I was at my wit's end on how to help her. On Sunday she was back to her normal happy self and while feeding her that morning I noticed something white on her gums. Then it dawned on me that she had been cutting her first tooth!! No wonder she was so fussy! :P

She got her second tooth around Christmas.... I guess all she wanted for Christmas was her two front (bottom) teeth.. haha :)
Ellie gets the biggest kick out of T.J. She loves him to death and with him being sick this week she hasn't quite known why he hasn't come to play with her. He will talk to her from across the room and get her to giggle, but he hasn't come over and tickled or hugged and kissed her. She kinda stares at him and reaches for him ... she wants to play with him so badly!
Ellie hasn't mastered the crawling or sitting up yet. She can sit up pretty well for a while but then she either starts rocking back and forth and flops over or she reaches to get something and tips over. :) She is very good with the rolling all over the place and scootching herself in reverse. One day last week had her in the floor in the basement and I went to check the fire. When I came back I could hear her, but I couldn't see her anywhere! She had rolled herself under the chair we have downstairs and it has a the dust ruffle around the bottom. She is just under there babbling, so i bend down and said peek-a-boo and pulled up the ruffle. She gave me this HUGE grin and said something to the effect of " NAH BAH OOH NAH BAH!" LOL
She is starting to use her gums and two teeth to chew things. She loves eating teething biscuits and Baby Mum Mum Rice Rusks. She also likes to chew on cold baby carrots. She loves bananas unless it is a real banana. She loves the baby banana jar food, banana cereal, and banana biscuits, but you try and mash up a real banana and give it her and she gags and makes all sorts of crazy faces!
Ellie likes to suck on her sucky ( pacifier) backwards. She turns it around to where the handle is in her mouth and nipple is sticking out and sucks on it like normal. I keep telling her that is not the way to do it and I turn it around. She smiles at me pulls it out and goes back to sucking on the handle. Already being ornery! LOL

( When TJ was little he liked to turn his sucky sideways and stick it in his mouth. Then he would sit there with spit drooling down the sides of his cheeks and smile at you with it stuck in his mouth sideways. So both of my children have done silly things with their sucky's :P)

I have no clue how much she weigh's now but she has a appt on the 19th of this month, so I will fill you in with more updates then. I will tell you this.. she is solid! :)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

Christmas Day we usually start out at home opening our stockings and gifts and then having a yummy cinnamon roll breakfast :)

After we are all done with our family christmas we head up to Titus' parents house for Christmas dinner. Titus' mom always makes a yummy dinner of cornish hens, wild rice, rolls, salad, and fruit salad.

After dinner we hang out and open more presents, play games, and enjoy the day with eachother.

This is Titus with his new helicopter he got for Christmas from me. He was driving us all insane with the stupid thing on Christmas

We had another awesome day with people we love. :) Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve 2010

So I never finished posting about our christmas eve and christmas before the new so here we go...

Christmas Eve was spent at my family's house in Munith. Mom and Dad make a ton of goodies for us to enjoy and we play games or watch movies and just enjoy family time together. We usually give them our presents to open and we open their's on christmas eve because we spend christmas day with Titus' family. My grandma Dee was there as well as my friend Carri.

Here are a few pics of the night:

My brother and sister ( whom I love) and Miss Ellie TJ and his new harmonica.... thanks A LOT mom and dad....:P

Carri Clark joined us again this year. She is my honorary sister :) Love ya Carri!

TJ and his "bow-fro" LOL

Josh and Carri "canoeing" .... HILARIOUS!! ( Grandma Dee is there in the background)

LOVE the facial expression Josh has going on in this pic.. :)
Mom and Dad surprised Titus and I will a Wii! I was very excited! We certainly were not expecting that! Ellie got a talking purse from Grandma Dee that she LOVES and TJ got a Didj from Grandpa and Grandma and a Tag Reader from Grandma Dee that he has been using all day every day.. lol.
It was an awesome night!