Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who Knew I Had So Much Junk?

How did all this junk.....
....fit in this cabinet?
And as you can see, I still have to clean out the bottom of the stupid thing!

Yes all of the stuff on the table and ALL of those dishes were in the TOP part of that cabinet.
Papers and receipts from all the way back to 2007, along with folders, gift bags, photos, and other weird things that shouldn't have been in there! LOL :P

See our table usually is the "catch all" for everything. When we come in the house whatever we have in our hands lands on the kitchen table. Mail, books, receipts, etc... and then when we have company come over unexpectedly or I don't have time to clean and put things away in the proper places... Yep.. it all goes off of the table and into the cabinet. Out of sight, out of mind... until I actually need something in there or I take the time to look at the cabinet and see the mess glaring back at me.

Which is what happened today.... I noticed the mess, debated on cleaning it up, almost talked myself OUT of cleaning it up ( because seriously.. how fun would it be to clean up all of that stuff? um.... NOT FUN AT ALL!!!), and decided if I didn't do it now it would just get worse.

So here I am taking a break from cleaning the never ending mess that is in the cabinet....and... I probably should be getting back to it before Ellie wakes up and wants me to hold her. *Sigh*

Follow, Comment, Bye Bye Junk... :)

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