Sunday, July 11, 2010


A few days ago we were sitting down to eat dinner and I didn't have enough fruit salad for all of us. So I gave the rest to T.J. and then got out a container of blueberries for me and Titus to eat. Well T.J. looks at his fruit salad and looks at the blueberries and goes, "Mom, can you PLEASE put some more blueberries in my fruit salad because it would be a PLEASURE!"

Titus and I couldn't help laughing and T.J. is just sitting there looking at us like.. "What?"
Then a few seconds later he lets out a little giggle and says, "Yep it would be a pleasure!"

Silly kid :P

Follow, Comment, Blueberries are a pleasure! :)


  1. ahahah xD that's awesome :) He is such a funny kid! Wish I had of been there for that one.

  2. He is so funny and "proper."
