Sunday, July 11, 2010

Flowers Anyone?

T.J. loves to bring me flowers.....dandelions, flowers picked off of my hanging baskets or out of the flower bed, or just all kinds of funky looking weeds. If it is a plant and he thinks it is awesome it makes it's way into my house. One time he pulled up a WHOLE plant and brought it to me roots and all saying " You need to put this in water RIGHT AWAY mom.." and I was like.. "um... yes sir.." LOL!

So when you come to my house in the spring/summer you can expect to see 2-3 vases of flowers/weeds sitting around. He will keep an eye on them for me too.. letting me know if they need more water or checking to see if they are dead or missing (by missing I mean that Mommy threw them away :P) because he WILL bring me more if he thinks I need them!

Follow, Comment, Pick LOTS of Flowers! :)