Saturday, July 17, 2010

Accident Prone Friday

Yesterday I needed to be kept away from sharp objects and anything I needed to hold on to because I was a klutz. :)

Day started off with us all getting up and heading out the door to do some grocery shopping and errands. We get to Meijers in Adrian and we were not in there 10 min before I caused trouble. I was walking down the italian/mexican food aisle and stopped to get a jar of spaghetti sauce. Well the way they have their shelves you can't just pull the jar of spaghetti sauce off the shelf because it hits the top of the shelf above it. The jars are too tall, so you have to tip the jar sideways to get it out. Well.. they had them all in the cardboard flats so you not only had to tip the jar sideways but you had to pull it up high enough to get it out of the way of the box they were in or pull the whole flat out and get one out.

I go to grab a jar, tip it sideways, and the bottom catches on the cardboard box and pulls the other two jars in the box down off the shelf. I tried to stop them from falling and in the process dropped the one I had in my hand. All three jars go crashing to the floor and I got spaghetti sauce from my chest down and ALL OVER my khaki capris. Plus, I cut my foot because I was wearing flip flops and the glass jars fell right at my feet. So there was no way I could rush home and put my clothes in the wash... and by the time I got home and put them in the wash the stain had set in. I have washed them twice and I still have faint orange splotches on my favorite pair of pants :( If anyone has a good spaghetti sauce stain removal trick please share!

Then when I was putting groceries away at home I managed to knock a pair of scissors off the counter (the pointy tipped kind) and it missed my foot by 1/8". And later I was cutting up fruits and veggies for my IT WORKS! party for Carri's mom and I almost sliced my finger off...

It was definitely NOT my day yesterday LOL!

Follow, Comment, Don't Drop Spaghetti Sauce :)

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